Quick Connect Hitch Cleat
Our Quick Connect System allows for easy attachment of our racking solutions to the vehicle. The Lifter works with a 2 inch, Class 3 receiver with a minimum tongue capacity of 300 pounds. To measure for your Quick Connect Hitch Cleat, we will need the length/distance from the face of your vehicles 2 inch receiver to the trailing edge of your bumper, or spare tire if you are driving a vehicle with a rear door mounted spare tire.
Less than 0 inches or receiver sticks out past the bumper - order a 4 inch version.
0 - 2 Inches, order a 6 inch version
2 - 3 inches, order an 8 inch version
3 - 4 inches, order a 10 inch version
Over 4 inches, order a 12 inch version
Warranty & Returns
Return shipping costs are non-refundable and deducted from product refunds. Lifetime Warranty: Suweeka products are built to last a lifetime, with replacement parts available for consumables.
We ship to the contiguous lower 48 states, and the District of Columbia via UPS. Customers in Hawaii and Alaska should contact us to arrange shipping.